Observations !
Descriptions of the Messier objects from observations by astronomers
(mostly amateurs):
Mel Bartels’ Messier Object Observations
.Mel has created eyepiece drawings from his visual observations, and
made some of them
available online (including the Messier objetcts M57 and M64)
- Don Machholz has estimated visual magnitudes and apparent dimensions
of all Messier objects;
(from the Messier Marathon Observer’s Guide)
Sketches of all Messier objects
by Larry and Suzanne McHenry - Messier object observations
(sketches and logs) by Chris Randall
John Blackwell’s sketches of all Messier objects
and some of theHerschel 400 objects
- Messier object
by Tim Harris;Drawings of Clusters,
and Galaxies.
Jeff Medkeff’s sketches of Messier objects
Messier Object Observations by Dirk Panczyk
(in German) -
Messier object visibility in a Meade #395 telescope
(3.5-inch refractor)by Luis Arguelles
Bert Dekker’s Sketches of Deep Sky Objects
- Tony Cecce’s
Twelve Month Tour of the Messier Catalog
is based onTony’s Messier Object Observations
- The Messier Marathon
is a particular (actually an extreme) form of observing them
Internet Amateur Astro Catalog
: A mailing list where you cancontribute your amateur observations of Deepsky Objects.
Send your contributions to
, subscribe by email to
[email protected], 1-line body message
Web Archive,
Hartmut Frommert’s Messier Object Observations
If you would like to include a link to your Messier Object Observations,
please send email to [email protected]!
Only if you have already observed all Messier objects, you should
Last Modification: 15 Feb 1998, 15:40 MET