Messier Object 74




M 74

Spiral Galaxy M74 (NGC 628), type Sc,

in Pisces


Right Ascension 01 : 36.7 (h:m)
Declination +15 : 47 (deg:m)
Distance 35000 (kly)
Visual Brightness 9.4 (mag)
Apparent Dimension 10.2×9.5 (arc min)

Nearby Galaxies

Catalog has 32), as it recedes with 793 km/sec. Then its spiral arms are

about 1000 light years broad. They are traced with clusters of

blue young stars in color photos, and reach out to cover a region of more

than 10 minutes of arc in diameter, corresponding to roughly 95,000 light

years, or about the same size as our

Milky Way galaxy.

The nucleus is small and bright.

M74 is probably the chief member of a very small physical group of galaxies,

which includes the peculiar SBa barred spiral NGC 660, the peculiar Sm galaxy

UGC 891 (of a mixed type between spirals and irregulars),

and the irregulars UGC 1176, UGC 1195, and UGCA 20.

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