Messier 20
After applying the techniques of unsharp masking and photographic amplifying
to this 3-color composite image taken with the 3.9-meter Anglo Australian
Telescope, David Malin was able to bring out fine faint details of the
Trifid Nebula. In particular, it becomes obvious that the blue reflection
nebula completely envelopes the brighter red emission nebula, and itself
exhibits a complicated structure. The patchy pattern of dark nebulae is
also conspicuous in this image.
This image is copyrighted and may be used for private purpose only. For any
other kind of use, including internet mirroring and storing on CD-ROM, please
contact Coral Cooksley of the
More information on this image
by David Malin - Unprocessed version of the same composite image
Last Modification: 19 Apr 1998 19:40 MET