NGC 206: Starcloud in the Andromeda Galaxy M31

NGC 206: Starcloud in the Andromeda Galaxy M31

[NGC 206 image]

Right Ascension 0 : 40.6 (h:m)
Declination +40 : 44 (deg:m)
Distance 2900 (kly)
Apparent Dimension 4.2 (arc min)

This giant starcloud in the Andromeda Galaxy, similar to but much larger

than M24, is bright enough that William

Herschel has given it a separate catalog number (H V.36).

Our image was obtained by

Jack Schmidling with a 16-inch Newton exposed 40 minutes on Technical

Pan film.

Hartmut Frommert

([email protected])

Christine Kronberg

([email protected])




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Last Modification: 8 Apr 1999, 15:40 MET

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