Messier 45

Messier 45


Click here for large gif image

This image of open cluster M45, the Plejades, is a composite of three

plates obtained by Malcolm Hartley with the 1.2-meter UK Schmidt

Telescope: Blue: 30 minutes on Kodak IIa-O emulsion with GG 385 filter,

Green: 30 min on IIa-D with GG 495, and Red: 40 minutes on 098-04 with RG 630.

It was postprocessed by David Malin to enhance the fine structures in

the reflection nebulae.

The lines in the nebula are typical for interstellar medium which is not much

influenced by the nearby stars.

A close look at this image reveals a pink color at the southernmost (lowest)

extension of the largest nebulosity (that around Merope). This is probably

caused by interstellar absorption.

This images is copyrighted and may be used for private purpose

only. For any other kind of use, including internet mirroring and storing on

CD-ROM, please contact

Coral Cooksley of the

Anglo Australian Observatory.

Hartmut Frommert

([email protected])

Christine Kronberg

([email protected])




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Last Modification: 9 May 1998 15:15 MET

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