Messier 65
This photograph has been obtained by David Malin with the Anglo-Australian
telescope. Messier 65 is seen as an elegant, almost edge-on spiral galaxy with
a prominent central bulge. Apart from this bulge, the only other prominent
feature of M65 is its yellow-brown dust lane, which so obviously surrounds
the galaxy but is only clearly seen where it hids a bright background.
Elsewhere, dust is associated with bright, clumpy knots of star formation
visible along the inner spiral arms. While M65 is in gravitational interaction
with its close neighbors M66 and
NGC 3628, it seems that the appearance of
this galaxy was not significantly influenced by this interaction.
This image was obtained from 3 photographic plates of different
emulsion/filter combinations. The green plate was exposed 22 minutes, the
red and blue 27 minutes each.
This images is copyrighted and may be used for private purpose
only. For any other kind of use, including internet mirroring and storing on
CD-ROM, please contact
Coral Cooksley of the
More information on this image
(David Malin) - More images by David Malin
Last Modification: 14 Jun 1998, 14:40 MET