Messier 83
AAT image of the magnificient spiral galaxy M83,
also called the Southern Pinwheel Galaxy.
This beautiful galaxy, of intermediate type between “normal” and barred spirals,
shows up in prominent colors. Aligned with the spiral arms, reddish diffuse
nebulae can be found which are giant star-forming regions, together with blueish
young star clusters and stellar associations which have just formed from these
nebulae. The spiral pattern of this galaxy is also nicely traced by dark lanes
of interstellar dust. The central region of the disk of M83, together with the
central nucleus, has a distinct yellowish color, indicating an older stellar
population. The brightest individual stars of the galaxy are just visible in
this photograph.
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CD-ROM, please contact
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David Malin’s informations on this image
- More images by David Malin
Last Modification: 25 May 1998, 20:50 MET