David Malin’s deep image of M89 shows many interesting features which
are not detectable in conventional images (cf. the inset, which is a
conventional image at same scale) of this
Virgo Cluster galaxy: First, this galaxy is
obviously much larger, as its faint outer regions reach much more far
out than can be seen on the usual photographs; therefore, it seems
likely that a significant portion of its mass is in this low luminosity
outskirts of the galaxy. Second, an extremely faint envelope can be
detected which surrounds the galaxy at about 150,000 light years
distance, and is best visible in the upper right and below the galaxy.
This photo is the discovery image of this faint structure, and was
originally published by David Malin in Nature 227, 279-80, 1979.
Third, a jetlike structure is obvious in the right part of our image,
which may be a galaxy which is currently disrupted by tidal forces,
in a close encounter with giant M89.
While the positive image on the right resembles more the visual impression,
the negetive reproduction (left) lets see the fainter details more clearly.
Above images are copyrighted and may be used for private purpose only.
For any other kind of use, including internet mirroring and storing on
CD-ROM, please contact
Coral Cooksley of the
For technical info on deep astrophotography, look at David Malin’s webpage on
special photographic techniques.
- More images by David Malin
- More images of M89
Last Modification: 23 Jun 1998, 22:15 MET