David Malin’s deep image of M100 reveals that this spiral galaxy is actually
a giant which reaches far out to interact with its faint neighboring galaxies.
While this interaction, on the one hand, is probably responsible for the
pronounced spiral structure of this galaxy, it also disturbes the contours of
M100’s outskirts. As in other deep images of galaxies, it is suggested that
significant portions of the galaxy’s mass may lie in the faint outer regions
which cannot be traced in conventional photographs.
Above images are copyrighted and may be used for private purpose only.
For any other kind of use, including internet mirroring and storing on
CD-ROM, please contact
Coral Cooksley of the
For technical info on deep astrophotography, look at David Malin’s webpage on
special photographic techniques.
Last Modification: 7 Jun 1998, 16:50 MET