December Messier Tour

Date: Wed, 29 Nov 1995 20:53:35 -0500 (EST)
From: Tony Cecce, Corning, NY

<[email protected]>

Subject: December Messier Tour

Twelve Month Tour of the Messier Catalog

December Objects

This will be a fairly easy month on the tour. We will view two small,

but bright globular clusters, two open star clusters, and the grandest

galaxy in the sky along with it’s two companions. All of these objects

are possible to find in binoculars, most are fairly easy.


This is a small, bright globular cluster in Aquarius. To find it

in binoculars look for a fuzzy star in a star poor field. A low power

telescope field will show a round fuzzy patch, brighter in the center and

fading to the edge, in a field with no other bright objects.


This globular cluster in Pegasus is very similar to M2 in size and

brightness, except it is surrounded by several bright stars. Fairly easy

to find in binoculars but the best view is through a telescope at medium

to high power.


This galactic cluster is a small, sparse group of stars in Cygnus.

It appears as a small fuzzy patch amongst a rich star field in binoculars.

A telescope will easily resolve the members of this cluster. The shape

of the cluster reminds me of the Pleiades as viewed through binoculars.


Dark skies will allow this large, bright cluster in Cygnus to be

seen with the naked eye as a hazy patch of light. Binoculars easily

resolve this cluster into it’s bright and widely scattered members, and

provide a better view than can be seen with most telescopes.


This is the famous Andomeda Galaxy, our closest galactic neighbor,

and the largest, brightest galaxy to be seen in the nothern sky. The

ability to see M31 with the naked eye provides a good test of the

darkness of your skies. M31 is so large that binoculars provide the best

view, allowing the entire galaxy to be seen in one field of view. Look

for an elongated patch of light, with a bright, round central core.


This is an eliptical companion galaxy to M31. Through a telescope

look for a slightly oval ball of fuzz in the same low power field as the

core of M31. M32 is very possible to find in binoculars as a star like

point of light.


Another eliptical companion galaxy to M31, lying on the opposite

side of the core as M32. Through a telescope look for a large, oval

patch of light. Although M110 is as bright as M32 it is much larger

and thus has a lower surface brightness making it a difficult object

in light polluted skies. M110 is a very difficult binocular object

requiring dark transparent skies, and trained eyes to have a chance

at finding it.

Last Month

– M27, M30, M56, M57, M71, M72, M73

Next Month

– M33, M34, M52, M74, M76, M77, M103

Revision 11/95, A.J. Cecce

Twelve Month Tour Index

December tour in Ascii

Hartmut Frommert

([email protected]).

Christine Kronberg

([email protected])





Last Modification: 6 Apr 1998, 21:30 MEST

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