NGC 3293
Open Cluster NGC 3293
(= Lacaille II.8),
type d,
in Carina
Right Ascension | 10 : 35.8 (h:m) |
Declination | -58 : 14 (deg:m) |
Distance | 8.4 (kly) |
Visual Brightness | 4.7 (mag) |
Apparent Dimension | 6 (arc min) |
This cluster is another one of Abbe Lacaille’s discoveries, made during his
1751-1752 journey to South Africa.
NGC 3293 consists of more than 50 stars in a 10 arc minutes field, the brightest
of which is a red giant of mag 6.5, between many hot, blue bright stars (the
hottest of spectral type B0). Rests of some nebulous materials are visible in
our image, floating between the stars which have probably formed from them.
With an estimated age of only 10 million years, NGC 3293 is a very young cluster.
Our image was obtained by David Malin with the Anglo-Australian
Telescope. This image is copyrighted and may be used for private purpose only.
For any other kind of use, including internet mirroring and storing on CD-ROM,
please contact Coral Cooksley of the
More information on this image
by David MalinAstronomical League’s Southern Sky Binocular Club list.
Last Modification: 22 Mar 1998, 22:40 MET