Ahnert’s list of Demonstration Objects

Ahnert’s list of Deepsky Objects

East-German yearbook author Paul Ahnert has included in his

Kalender für Sternfreunde, among other useful stuff,

lists of easy deepsky objects for demonstration in schools and public events.

He writes that these objects should be visible in telescopes starting at 2-inch,

some even with smaller scopes, or the naked eye, and from locations in

East Germany.

Naturally, these lists consist to a large percentage of Messier objects.

These lists have survived in his yearbook after his death, German

re-unification (to be mentioned as many East German products did not survive),

and the improvement of East German amateur equipment.

In the newer editions, the proper Ahnert numbers (our first column) were omitted


There is each one separate list for

The data given here is that given by Ahnert, presented unchanged. It may differ

from the more modern data elsewhere in our database.

Key to all tables:

Num: Ahnert number, NGC#/M-#: NGC and Messier number;

RA/Dec: Right ascension and Declination (2000.0);

dim: Angular dimension (in arc minutes),

mag: Apparent magnitude (visual unless marked “p” for photographic)

Open Clusters

Num  NGC#  M-#  RA    Dec    Dim  mag  mag* N-* age/Myr  Notes

S 1 869 - 02:19 +57.2 30 4.3p 6.6 200 5.6 h Persei S 2 884 - 02:22 +57.1 30 4.4p 8.1 150 3.2 chi Persei S 3 - 45 03:47 +24.1 110 1.2 2.9 100 78 Pleiades S 4 1912 38 05:29 +35.8 21 6.4 9.5 100 220 S 5 1960 36 05:36 +34.1 12 6.0 8.9 60 25 S 6 2099 37 05:52 +32.6 24 5.6 9.2 150 300 S 7 2168 35 05:52 +24.3 28 5.1 8.2 200 110 S 8 2323 50 06:09 - 8.4 16 5.9 7.9 80 78 S 9 2632 44 08:40 +20.0 95 3.1 6.3 50 660 Praesepe S10 2682 67 08:50 +11.8 30 6.9 9.7 200 3200 S11 6633 - 18:28 + 6.6 27 4.6 7.6 30 660 S12 6705 11 18:51 - 6.3 14 5.8 8.0 200 220

Extra key:

mag*: Apparent magnitude of the brightest star;

N-*: Number of stars; age/Myr: Age in million years;

Notes: Common name

Gaseous Nebulae

Num  NGC#  M-#  RA    Dec    Dim      mag mag*  Type  Notes

G 1 1952 1 05:35 +22.0 6x 4 8.4 15.9 d* Crab Nebula G 2 1976 42 05:35 - 5.5 66x60 2.9 - d Orion Nebula G 3 6611 16 18:19 -13.8 35x28 6.6 - d Eagle Nebula G 4 6618 17 18:21 -16.2 46x37 6.9 - d Omega Nebula G 5 6720 57 18:54 +33.0 1x 1.4 9.7 14.8 p Ring Nebula G 6 6853 27 20:00 +22.7 7x 8 7.5 13.9 p Dumbbell Nebula

Extra key:

mag*: Apparent magnitude of the central star (if present);

Type: d: diffuse nebula, p: planetary nebula

*: Actually, a supernova remnant.

Globular Clusters

Num  NGC#  M-#  RA    Dec    Dim  mag  Dist

K 1 5272 3 13:42 +28.4 16 6.4 32 K 2 5904 5 15:19 + 2.1 17 5.8 25 K 3 6205 13 16:42 +36.5 17 5.9 23 K 4 6341 92 17:17 +43.1 11 6.5 25 K 5 6656 22 18:36 -23.9 24 5.1 10 K 6 7078 15 21:30 +12.2 12 6.4 31 K 7 7089 2 21:34 - 0.9 13 6.5 37

Extra key: Dist: Distance in 1000 light years

Bright Extragalactic Objects

Num  NGC#  M-#  RA    Dec    Dim     mag  Type       Notes

E 1 205 110 00:40 +41.7 17x10 8.0 E6 L E 2 221 32 00:43 +40.9 8x 6 8.2 E2 L E 3 224 31 00:43 +41.3 178x63 3.5 Sb I-II L, Andromeda Galaxy E 4 598 33 01:34 +30.7 62x39 5.7 Sc II-III L, Triangulum Galaxy E 5 1068 77 02:43 - 0.0 7x 6 8.8 Sbp E 6 2403 - 07:37 +65.6 18x11 8.4 Sc III E 7 3031 81 09:56 +69.1 26x14 6.9 Sb I-II E 8 3034 82 09:56 +69.7 11x 5 8.4 Ir E 9 4258 106 12:19 +47.3 18x 8 8.3 Sb+p E10 4472 49 12:30 + 8.0 9x 7 8.4 E4 V E11 4486 87 12:31 +12.4 7x 7 8.6 E1 V, Virgo A E12 4594 104 12:40 -11.6 9x 4 8.3 Sb- Sombrero Galaxy E13 4736 94 12:51 +41.1 11x 9 8.9 Sb-p II E14 4826 64 12:57 +21.7 9x 5 8.5 Sb- E15 5055 63 13:16 +42.0 12x 8 8.6 Sb+ II E16 5194 51 13:30 +47.2 11x 8 8.4 Sc I E17 5457 101 14:03 +54.4 27x26 7.7 Sc I

Extra key:

Type: Type according to the Sky Catalog 2000:

S: spiral galaxy (Sa-c: Hubble type, I,II,III: Luminosity class),

E: elliptical, Ir: Irregular;

Notes: Common Name, and/or: L: Local Group member, V: Virgo cluster member

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