From Glen Cozens
NSW, Australia
Also available as short list sorted by magnitude
or as plain text file
Names Discoverer RA (2000) Dec Type Con Mag Size' Nearby Objects
NGC 55 Dunlop 0 15.1 - 39 13 Gal Scl 7.9 32 NGC 104, 47 Tuc Lacaille 0 24.1 - 72 4 GC Tuc 4.0 44 NGC 121 NGC 224, M 31 Al-Sufi 0 42.7 + 41 16 Gal And 3.4 191 M 32, M 110 NGC 253 C Herschel 0 47.6 - 25 17 Gal Scl 7.2 28 NGC 288 SMC (Small cloud) prehistoric 0 52.6 - 72 48 Gal Tuc 2.3 316 NGC 346 NGC 300 Dunlop 0 54.9 - 37 40 Gal Scl 8.1 22 NGC 362 Dunlop 1 3.2 - 70 51 GC Tuc 6.4 18 NGC 371 NGC 457 W Herschel 1 19.7 + 58 17 OC Cas 6.4 12 NGC 281 NGC 598, M 33 Hodierna? 1 33.8 + 30 39 Gal Tri 5.7 71 NGC 869 prehistoric 2 19.0 + 57 8 OC Per 5.3 30 NGC 884 prehistoric 2 22.5 + 57 10 OC Per 6.1 30 NGC 1068, M 77 Mechain 2 42.7 - 0 0 Gal Cet 8.9 7 NGC 1055 NGC 1291 Dunlop 3 17.3 - 41 6 Gal Eri 8.5 10 NGC 1313 Dunlop 3 18.3 - 66 29 Gal Ret 8.7 9 NGC 1316 Dunlop 3 22.7 - 37 12 Gal For 8.5 12 NGC 1399 NGC 1435, Merope Tempel 3 46.1 + 23 47 DN Tau 20 M 45 NGC 1535 W Herschel 4 14.3 - 12 44 PN Eri 9.7 0.4 NGC 1851 Dunlop 5 14.1 - 40 3 GC Col 7.1 13 NGC 1792 LMC (Large cloud) prehistoric 5 23.6 - 69 45 Gal Dor 0.4 646 NGC 1850 NGC 1952, M 1 Bevis 5 35.0 + 22 2 DN Tau 5 NGC 1977, 42 Ori W Herschel 5 35.3 - 4 49 DN Ori 15 NGC 1975 NGC 1976, M 42 Pieresc 5 35.5 - 5 28 DN Ori 30 M 43 NGC 2024, Zeta Ori W Herschel 5 41.9 - 1 51 DN Ori 15 NGC 2023 NGC 2068, M 78 Mechain 5 46.7 + 0 3 DN Ori 5 NGC 2099, M 37 Hodierna 5 52.4 + 32 33 OC Aur 5.6 25 NGC 1931 NGC 2070, Tarantula Lacaille 5 38.6 - 69 5 DN Dor 20 NGC 2035 NGC 2168, M 35 De Cheseaux 6 9.1 + 24 20 OC Gem 5.1 40 NGC 2158 NGC 2287, M 41 Hodierna 6 45.9 - 20 46 OC Cma 4.5 31 NGC 2392 W Herschel 7 29.2 + 20 55 PN Gem 9.5 0.3 NGC 2403 W Herschel 7 36.9 + 65 35 Gal Cam 8.5 22 NGC 2437, M 46 Messier 7 41.6 - 14 50 OC Pup 6.1 25 NGC 2438 NGC 2440 W Herschel 7 41.9 - 18 13 PN Pup 9.5 0.3 NGC 2447, M 93 Messier 7 44.7 - 23 50 OC Pup 6.2 22 NGC 2467 NGC 2477 Lacaille 7 52.2 - 38 32 OC Pup 5.8 27 NGC 2451 NGC 2516 Lacaille 7 58.0 - 60 45 OC Car 3.8 50 NGC 2547 Lacaille 8 10.2 - 49 12 OC Vel 4.7 20 also DN NGC 2682, M 67 Koehler 8 51.5 + 11 50 OC Cnc 6.9 16 NGC 2808 Dunlop 9 12.1 - 64 51 GC Car 6.2 19 NGC 2903 W Herschel 9 32.2 + 21 30 Gal Leo 9.0 13 NGC 3031, M 81 Bode 9 55.6 + 69 4 Gal UMa 6.9 27 NGC 3077 NGC 3034, M 82 Bode 9 55.9 + 69 40 Gal UMa 8.4 11 NGC 3114 Dunlop 10 2.2 - 60 6 OC Car 4.2 40 NGC 3115 W Herschel 10 5.2 - 7 43 Gal Sex 8.9 7 NGC 3201 Dunlop 10 17.6 - 46 24 GC Vel 6.8 29 NGC 3132 NGC 3242 W Herschel 10 24.8 - 18 39 PN Hya 8.7 0.4 NGC 3293 Lacaille 10 35.9 - 58 13 OC Car 4.7 8 NGC 3199 NGC 3372, Eta Car Lacaille 10 43.8 - 59 52 DN Car 85 NGC 3324 NGC 3532 Lacaille 11 5.5 - 58 44 OC Car 3.0 60 NGC 3582 NGC 3521 W Herschel 11 5.8 - 0 2 Gal Leo 9.0 11 NGC 3627, M 66 Mechain 11 20.3 + 12 59 Gal Leo 8.9 9 M 65 NGC 3766 Lacaille 11 36.2 - 61 36 OC Cen 5.3 12 IC 2948 NGC 3918 J Herschel 11 50.3 - 57 11 PN Cen 8.5 0.3 NGC 4258, M 106 Mechain 12 19.0 + 47 18 Gal CVn 8.4 19 NGC 4217 NGC 4406, M 86 Messier 12 26.2 + 12 56 Gal Vir 8.9 9 M 84 NGC 4472, M 49 Messier 12 29.8 + 7 59 Gal Vir 8.4 10 NGC 4526 NGC 4486, M 87 Messier 12 30.8 + 12 23 Gal Vir 8.6 8 M 89 NGC 4594, M 104 Messier 12 40.0 - 11 37 Gal Vir 8.0 9 NGC 4699 NGC 4649, M 60 Koehler 12 43.7 + 11 32 Gal Vir 8.8 7 M 59 NGC 4736, M 94 Mechain 12 50.9 + 41 7 Gal CVn 8.2 11 NGC 4490 NGC 4755 Lacaille 12 53.6 - 60 22 OC Cru 4.2 11 NGC 5189 NGC 4826, M 64 Bode 12 56.7 + 21 41 Gal Com 8.5 10 M 53 NGC 4833 Lacaille 12 59.5 - 70 52 GC Mus 6.9 13 NGC 4372 NGC 4945 Dunlop 13 5.4 - 49 28 Gal Cen 8.6 20 NGC 4976 NGC 5055, M 63 Mechain 13 15.8 + 42 2 Gal CVn 8.6 13 NGC 5128 Dunlop 13 25.5 - 43 1 Gal Cen 6.8 26 NGC 5139, Omeg Cen Halley 13 26.7 - 47 29 GC Cen 3.7 65 NGC 5286 NGC 5194, M 51 Messier 13 29.9 + 47 11 Gal CVn 8.4 11 NGC 5195 NGC 5236, M 83 Lacaille 13 37.0 - 29 52 Gal Hya 7.5 13 NGC 5253 NGC 5272, M 3 Messier 13 42.2 + 28 22 GC CVn 6.2 19 NGC 5466 NGC 5457, M 101 Mechain 14 3.2 + 54 20 Gal UMa 7.9 29 NGC 5474 NGC 5904, M 5 Kirch 15 18.5 + 2 4 GC Ser 5.7 20 NGC 5846 NGC 6067 Dunlop 16 13.1 - 54 14 OC Nor 5.6 16 NGC 6188 NGC 6121, M 4 De Cheseaux 16 23.6 - 26 31 GC Sco 5.6 23 M 80 NGC 6205, M 13 Halley 16 41.7 + 36 27 GC Her 5.8 23 NGC 6207 NGC 6218, M 12 Messier 16 47.2 - 1 56 GC Oph 6.7 12 NGC 6231 Hodierna 16 54.1 - 41 49 OC Sco 2.6 15 IC 4628 NGC 6254, M 10 Messier 16 57.2 - 4 6 GC Oph 6.6 12 NGC 6266, M 62 Messier 17 1.2 - 30 6 GC Oph 6.5 6 NGC 6304 NGC 6273, M 19 Messier 17 2.6 - 26 15 GC Oph 6.8 5 NGC 6293 NGC 6341, M 92 Bode 17 17.1 + 43 8 GC Her 6.4 12 NGC 6388 Dunlop 17 36.3 - 44 44 GC Sco 6.7 7 NGC 6352 NGC 6405, M 6 Hodierna 17 40.3 - 32 14 OC Sco 4.2 25 NGC 6397 Lacaille 17 40.7 - 53 40 GC Ara 5.7 19 NGC 6475, M 7 Ptolemy 17 53.0 - 34 48 OC Sco 3.3 60 NGC 6441 NGC 6494, M 23 Messier 17 56.8 - 18 59 OC Sgr 5.5 27 NGC 6514, M 20 Messier 18 2.0 - 23 0 DN Sgr 15 NGC 6530, M 8 Le Gentil 18 4.1 - 24 20 DN Sgr 45 NGC 6544 NGC 6541 Dunlop 18 8.0 - 43 42 GC CrA 6.3 23 NGC 6496 NGC 6611, M 16 Messier 18 18.8 - 13 45 DN Ser 30 NGC 6618, M 17 De Cheseaux 18 20.9 - 15 59 DN Sgr 25 M 24 NGC 6626, M 28 Messier 18 24.5 - 24 51 GC Sgr 6.8 15 NGC 6656, M 22 Ihle 18 36.4 - 23 53 GC Sgr 5.1 17 NGC 6705, M 11 Kirch 18 51.1 - 6 16 OC Sct 5.8 12 NGC 6712 NGC 6720, M 57 Darquier 18 53.6 + 33 2 PN Lyr 9.0 1.3 M 56 NGC 6744 Dunlop 19 9.8 - 63 51 Gal Pav 8.3 20 NGC 6684 NGC 6752 Dunlop 19 10.9 - 59 58 GC Pav 5.4 42 NGC 6809, M 55 Lacaille 19 40.0 - 30 57 GC Sgr 6.3 15 NGC 6818 W Herschel 19 44.0 - 14 9 PN Sgr 9.7 0.3 NGC 6822 Barnard 19 45.0 - 14 48 Gal Sgr 8.7 15 NGC 6853, M 27 Messier 19 59.6 + 22 43 PN Vul 7.4 6.7 M 71 NGC 6946 W Herschel 20 34.9 + 60 9 Gal Cyg 8.8 11 NGC 6992, Veil W Herschel 20 56.4 + 31 43 DN Cyg 60 NGC 6960 NGC 7009 W Herschel 21 4.2 - 11 22 PN Aqr 9.1 0.5 M 72 NGC 7027 Stephan 21 7.0 + 42 14 PN Cyg 9.2 0.2 NGC 7000 NGC 7078, M 15 Maraldi 21 30.0 + 12 9 GC Peg 6.2 12 NGC 7089, M 2 Maraldi 21 33.5 - 0 49 GC Aqr 6.5 12 NGC 7293, Helix Harding 22 29.6 - 20 50 PN Aqr 7.8 16.3 NGC 7654, M 52 Messier 23 24.6 + 61 36 OC Cas 6.9 13 NGC 7635 NGC 7662 W Herschel 23 25.9 + 42 32 PN And 9.6 0.3 NGC 7640 NGC 7789 C Herschel 23 57.4 + 56 45 OC Cas 6.7 20
The four main discoverers and the year when they started their catalogs were:
Lacaille 1751, Charles Messier 1758, William Herschel 1783, James
Dunlop 1826.
The RA on the meridian at 6 pm on the 21st of the month is equal to the
month number times two.
At 8 pm RA = 2M + 2 e.g. For Jan, RA = 2x1+2 = 4 at 8 pm (approx.) At 4 am RA = 2M + 10 e.g. For Jan, RA = 2x1+10 = 12 at 4 am
OC is open cluster, GC is globular cluster, DN is diffuse nebulae,
PN is planetary nebulae, Gal is galaxy.
Sizes are in arcminutes.
“Nearby objects” lists some interesting objects within 7 degrees of the main
These are sometimes very faint.
- Catalogue of Galactic Globular Clusters (Monella, R., 1985)
- Catalogue of Star Clusters and Associations (Alter, G., et al. 1970; Kluke,
J., et al. 1975)
- Catalogue of Open Cluster Data, 5th Edition (Lynga, G. 1987, Lund Observatory)
1,111 open clusters
- Globular Clusters in the Milky Way (Harris, W.E. 1996, McMaster University)
146 globular clusters
- NGC 2000.0 (Sinnott, R.W. 1988, Sky Publishing Corporation)
104 NGC and 101 IC diffuse nebulae (not including the LMC & SMC)
- Strasbourg-ESO Catalogue of Galactic Planetary Nebulae (Acker,A., et al.
1992, ESO)
1,143 planetary nebulae
- Third Reference Catalogue of Bright Galaxies (de Vaucouleurs, G.,et al.
1991, Springer-Verlag)
23,011 galaxies
- Open clusters were selected using the GUIDE v5 CD-ROM Star Atlas. (Project
- Diffuse nebulae were observed with a 10″ Dobsonian telescope.
- The Digitized Sky Surveys (Space Telescope Science Institute) were also used.
Thanks to Jack Marling (Lumicon) for helping to calculate magnitudes of
planetary nebulae.
- Other Deep Sky observing lists
Last Modification: 8 Feb 1998, 20:00 MET