— under construction; read on your own risk ! —
The RASC’s Deep Sky Challenge Objects list
The Royal Astronomical Society of Canada (RASC) has published
this list in their yearly Observer’s Handbook which is edited by
Roy L. Bishop. The Deep Sky Challenge Objects List was
compiled by Alan Dyer and Alister Ling; it is arranged by
right ascension.
Object Descriptions
No. Object Con Type R.A. Dec m_v Size U # min.A
1 NGC 7822 Cep E/RN 00:03.6 +68:37 - 60x30 15 30 2 IC 59 Cas E/RN 00:56.7 +61:04 - 10x5 36 20-25 3 NGC 609 Cas OC 01:37.2 +64:33 11.0 3.0 16 25-30 4 IC 1795 Cas EN 02:24.7 +61:54 - 27x13 17 20 5 Maffei 1 Cas G-E3 02:36.3 +59:39 ~14 5x3 38 30 6 NGC 1049 For GC 02:39.7 -34:29 11.0 0.6 354 25-30 7 NGC 1275 Per G-Pec 03:19.8 +41:31 11.6 2.6x1.9 63 20-25 8 NGC 1432/35 Tau RN 03:46.1 +23:47 30x30 132 10-15 9 IC 342 Cam G-SBc 03:46.8 +68:06 ~12 17x17 18 20-30 10 NGC 1499 Per EN 04:00.7 +36:37 145x40 95 8-12.5 RFT 11 NGC 1554/5 Tau RN 04:21.8 +19:32 var 133 20? 12 IC 405 Aur E/RN 05:16.2 +34:16 30x19 97 20 13 IC 434/B 33 Ori E/DN 05:40.9 -02:28 60x10 226 15-20 dark sky! 14 Sh 2-276 Ori EN 05:48 +01 600x30! 226 10-15 RFT 15 Abell 12 Ori PN 06:02.4 +09:39 ~13 37" 181 25-30 16 IC 443 Gem SNR 06:16.9 +22:47 50x40 137 25-30 17 J 900 Gem PN 06:25.9 +17:47 12.2 8" 137 20 18 IC 2177 Mon E/RN 07:05.1 -10:42 120x40 273 20-30 19 PK 205+14.1 Gem PN 07:29.0 +13:15 ~13 ~700 184 20-25 20 NGC 2419 Lyn GC 07:38.1 +38:53 10.4 4.1 100 15-20 21 PK 164+31.1 Lyn PN 07:57.8 +53:25 ~14 6'40" 43 25 22 Leo I Leo G-E3 10:08.4 +12:18 9.8 10.7x8.3 189 30 23 Abell 1367 Leo G's 11:44.0 +19:57 13-16 ~60 147 30-40 24 NGC 3172 UMi G-? 11:50.2 +89:07 13.6 0.7x0.7 2 25 25 NGC 4236 Dra G-SBb 12:16.7 +69:28 9.6 18.6x6.9 25 20-25 26 Mrk 205 Dra Quasar 12:21.6 +75:18 14.5 stellar 9 30 27 3C 273 Vir Quasar 12:29.1 +02:03 12-13 stellar 238 25-30 28 NGC 4676 Com G's 12:46.2 +30:44 14.1p ~ 2x1 108 25 29 Abell 1656 Com G's 13:00.1 +27:58 12-16 ~60 149 25-30 30 NGC 5053 Com GC 13:16.4 +17:42 9.8 10.5 150 10-20 31 NGC 5897 Lib GC 15:17.4 -21:01 8.6 12.6 334 15-20 32 Abell 2065 CrB G's 15:22.7 +27:43 ~16 ~30 154 50 in superb sky! 33 NGC 6027 Ser G's 15:59.2 +20:45 ~15 ~ 2x1 155 40 34 B 72 Oph DN 17:23.5 -23:38 30 338 8-12.5 RFT 35 NGC 6791 Lyr OC 19:20.7 +37:51 9.5 16 118 20-25 36 PK 64+5.1 Cyg PN 19:34.8 +30:31 9.6 8" 118 20 37 M 1-92 Cyg RN 19:36.3 +29:33 11.0 12"x6" 118 25-30 38 NGC 6822 Sgr G-Irr 19:44.9 -14:48 ~11 10.2x9.5 297 10-15 39 IC 4997 Sge PN 20:20.2 +16:45 10.9 2" 163 20 40 IC 1318 Cyg EN 20:26.2 +40:30 large 84 8-15 RFT 41 PK 80-6.1 Cyg PN? 21:02.3 +36:42 13.5 16" 121 25 42 IC 1396 Cep EN 21:39.1 +57:30 170x140 57 10-12.5 RFT 43 IC 5146 Cyg E/RN 21:53.5 +47:16 12x12 86 20-25 44 NGC 7317-20 Peg G's 22:36.1 +33:57 13-14 ea.~1 123 25-30 45 Jones 1 Peg PN 23:35.9 +30:28 12.1 5'32" 124 25-30
No. | Object | Remarks |
1 | NGC 7822 | large, faint emission nebula; rated `eeF’; also look for E/R nebula Ced 214 (ass. with cluster Berkeley 59) 1 deg S |
2 | IC 59 | faint emission/reflection nebulosity paired with IC 63 close to gamma Cas; requires clean optics; rated as `pF’ |
3 | NGC 609 | faint patch at low power; high power needed to resolve this rich cluster (also look for Trumpler 1 cluster 1 deg S) |
4 | IC 1795 | brightest part of a complex nebulosity that includes IC 1805 and IC 1848; use a nebula filter |
5 | Maffei 1 | heavily reddened galaxy; very faint; requires large aperture and black skies; nearby Maffei II probably invisible |
6 | NGC 1049 | Class V globular in dward `Fornax system’ Local Group galaxy 630,000 ly away, galaxy itself invisible ? |
7 | NGC 1275 | Perseus A exploding galaxy; brightest member of Abell 426 gal. cl. 300 million ly away; see Webb vol. 5 |
8 | NGC 1432/35 | Pleiades nebulosity (also includes IC 349); brightest around Merope; requires transparent sky and clean optics |
9 | IC 342 | |
10 | NGC 1499 | |
11 | NGC 1554/5 | |
12 | IC 405 | |
13 | IC 434/B 33 | |
14 | Sh 2-276 | |
15 | Abell 12 | |
16 | IC 443 | |
17 | J 900 | |
18 | IC 2177 | |
19 | PK 205+14.1 | |
20 | NGC 2419 | |
21 | PK 164+31.1 | |
22 | Leo I | |
23 | Abell 1367 | |
24 | NGC 3172 | |
25 | NGC 4236 | |
26 | Mrk 205 | |
27 | 3C 273 | |
28 | NGC 4676 | |
29 | Abell 1656 | |
30 | NGC 5053 | |
31 | NGC 5897 | |
32 | Abell 2065 | |
33 | NGC 6027 | |
34 | B 72 | |
35 | NGC 6791 | |
36 | PK 64+5.1 | |
37 | M 1-92 | |
38 | NGC 6822 | |
39 | IC 4997 | |
40 | IC 1318 | |
41 | PK 80-6.1 | |
42 | IC 1396 | |
43 | IC 5146 | |
44 | NGC 7317-20 | |
45 | Jones 1 |
- RASC’s Finest NGC Objects list
- More Deepsky observing lists
Last Modification: 8 Feb 1998, 20:00 MET