January Messier Tour

Date: Mon, 01 Jan 1996, 10:29:51 -0500 (EST)
From: Tony Cecce, Corning, NY

<[email protected]>

Subject: January Messier Tour

Twelve Month Tour of the Messier Catalog

January Objects

This month on the tour we will be attempting several of the most difficult

objects in the Catalog, a small faint planetary nebula, and a pair of

face on spiral galaxies. Also featured this month is a small, but fairly

bright galaxy and three open clusters. You will need binoculars and a

telescope to fully enjoy the January tour.


This is a very large (about the size of the full moon) face on spiral

galaxy in the constellation Triangulum. The total light from M33 is about

magnitude 5.3, but when spread out over its large area it yields a very

low surface brightness. The best and easiest views of M33 can be found with

a pair of binoculars. Look for a large, round hazy patch of light with

little detail at first glance. M33 can be glimpsed with the naked eye in

dark clear skies. Finding M33 in a telescope can be a challenge because

of its size. Use the widest field eyepiece you have and look for a change

in light level to identify the galaxy.


This is a fairly small, sparse open cluster in Cassiopeia. Look

for a tight group of stars in binoculars, being careful not to mistake

it for several other clusters in the same area. Through a telescope the

cluster is very sparse, four bright stars amidst the slight glow of much

fainter companions.


This rich open cluster in Cassiopeia is fairly easy to see in

binoculars as a faint smudge of light. A small to mid telescope will

begin to resolve this cluster. Look for a triangular patch of light

with some stars clearly resolved, but most of the cluster members provide

only a hint of graininess.


Known as the little dumbell, this planetary nebula in Perseus is one

of the dimmest objects in the Catalog. Look for a small, faint, oblong

patch of light. Not a very obvious object, if you don’t see it at first

try varying magnifications in an attempt to bring it out. Fortunately

M76 is located near a bright star which aids in locating the correct field

to search.


This is a large and bright, but sparse open cluster located in

Perseus. Visible as a faint patch of light to the naked eye, it is very

obvious and easy to resolve in binoculars. In fact, binoculars provide a

better view of this cluster than most telescopes.


This galaxy in Pisces is a smaller and fainter version of M33, a

face on spiral galaxy with low surface brightness. M74 is arguably the

most difficult object to find in the Catalog. You will need very dark,

clear skies to easily see it, anything less than perfect conditions will

make M74 nearly impossible to find. Look for a very faint fuzzy star,

which is the bright central condensation, surrounded by a very faint glow.

Try all of your tricks on this one; star hop to the correct field, try

varying magnification, tap the scope to detect the galaxy through its

motion. If all of the above fail, try again another night or seek darker



This is a small faint galaxy in Cetus. Possible to see in binoculars,

but very difficult, look for a faint fuzzy star. Through a telescope

look for a fuzzy, oval shaped patch of light, bright in the center, fading

towards the edges.

Last Month

– M2, M15, M29, M31, M32, M39, M110

Next Month

– M1, M35, M36, M37, M38, M42, M43, M45, M78, M79

Revision 1/96, A.J. Cecce

Twelve Month Tour Index

January tour in Ascii

Hartmut Frommert

([email protected]).

Christine Kronberg

([email protected])





Last Modification: 6 Apr 1998, 21:30 MEST

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