This list was contributed by
Paul Dickson, editor of the
by A.J. Crayon and Steve Coe
Version 1.0, dated Thu 01-04-1990
This list is used by members of the Saguaro Astronomy Club of Phoenix, AZ.
for the Best of the NGC achievement award. Constellation abbreviations are
the IAU standard. Type abbreviations: GC= globular cluster, OC= open cluster,
PN= planetary nebula, EN= emission nebula, SNR= supernova remnant,
RN= reflection nebula, Galaxies are identified by their Hubble type.
Sizes are in arc minutes, unless noted otherwise.
1 891 AND Sb 02 22.6 +42 21 11.5 14.0x3.0 edge-on with dust lane 2 7662 AND PN 23 25.9 +42 33 8.6 17"x14" use high power for detail 3 6781 AQL PN 19 18.5 +06 32 11.8 111"x109" large, pale 4 7009 AQR PN 21 04.2 -11 22 8.3 28"x23" Saturn, small green oval 5 7293 AQR PN 22 29.6 -20 48 6.3 960"x720" Helix, large, diffuse 6 772 ARI Sb 01 59.4 +19 00 11.5 8.0x5.0 diffuse spiral 7 1907 AUR OC 05 28.0 +35 19 8.2 7.0 30* mags 9... 8 1931 AUR OC 05 31.4 +34 15 11.3 3x3 haze around 4* 9 1501 CAM PN 04 07.0 +60 55 12 55.8"x48" faint, dark center 10 2403 CAM Sc 07 36.8 +65 37 9.5 17.8 visible in binocs 11 2655 CAM S 08 55.6 +78 13 11.5 6.5x5.8 stellar nucleus 12 185 CAS dE0 00 39.0 +48 20 9.7 12x10 distant companion to M31 13 281 CAS OC 00 52.8 +56 37 7.4 4.0 responds to UHC filter 14 457 CAS OC 01 19.1 +58 20 6.4 13.0 rich, 80* 15 663 CAS OC 01 46.0 +61 15 7.1 16.0 NGC's 654 + 659 nearby 16 7789 CAS OC 23 57.0 +56 44 6.7 16.0 very rich, many dim* 17 5128 CEN SOp 13 25.5 -43 01 8.0 18x15 equatorial dust lane 18 5139 CEN GC 13 26.8 -47 29 3.7 36 omega Centauri! 19 40 CEP PN 00 13.0 +72 32 10.7 60"x40" central* 11.6mag 20 6939 CEP OC 20 31.4 +60 38 7.8 8.0 rich, 80*, near NGC 6946 21 6946 CEP Sc 20 34.8 +60 09 10.5 14 diffuse, face-on 22 7129 CEP RN 21 41.3 +66 06 11.5 7x7 faint reflection neby 23 246 CET PN 00 47.1 -11 53 8.5 240"x210" low surface brightness 24 936 CET SBa 02 27.7 -01 09 11 5.6x4.5 near M77 25 2359 CMA EN 07 17.8 -13 13 -- 8.0 Duck, UHC filter helps 26 4274 COM Sb 12 19.9 +29 37 11.1 7.3x2.7 many other NGC's near 27 4414 COM SC 12 26.4 +31 14 10.9 4.8x3.2 stellar nucleus 28 4494 COM E1 12 31.3 +25 47 10.7 4.5x4.3 small, compact 29 4559 COM SC 12 35.9 +27 58 10.7 13.0x5.2 coarse structure 30 4565 COM Sb 12 36.3 +26 00 10.3 15.5x1.9 superb edge-on, dust lane 31 4725 COM Sb 12 50.4 +25 33 10.2 12.0x9.0 bright, large spiral 32 4361 CRV PN 12 24.5 -18 48 10.3 80" small, bright 33 4111 CVN S0 12 07.1 +43 05 11.4 4.3x0.8 bright lens shape 34 4214 CVN Ir 12 15.7 +36 20 10.3 11x9.0 large irregular 35 4244 CVN S 12 17.5 +37 49 10.8 18.5x2.3 huge edge-on 36 4449 CVN Ir 12 28.2 +44 06 10 6.0x4,5 bizarre rectangular shape 37 4490 CVN Sc 12 30.6 +41 39 10.1 7.0x3.5 bright spiral 38 4631 CVN Sc 12 42.1 +32 33 9.8 17.0x3.5 huge edge-on 39 4656 CVN Sc 12 43.9 +32 11 10.6 22.0x3.0 companion is NGC 4657 40 5005 CVN Sb 13 11.0 +37 03 10.6 6.3x3.0 near Alpha CVn 41 5033 CVN Sb 13 13.5 +36 36 10.9 11.5x5.5 near NGC 5005 42 6819 CYG OC 19 41.3 +40 11 7.3 5.0 rich, 150* 43 6826 CYG PN 19 44.8 +50 31 8.8 27"x24" Blinking PN, 10mag* 44 6960 CYG EN 20 45.6 +30 43 -- 70x6 Veil, west half 45 6992 CYG EN 20 56.3 +31 42 -- 60x8 Veil, east, use UHC 46 7000 CYG EN 20 58.8 +44 20 -- 120x100 North Am., low power 47 7027 CYG PN 21 07.1 +42 14 9.6 18"x11" proto-planetary, unique 48 5907 DRA Sb 15 15.9 +56 19 11.4 12.8x1.8 fine edge-on, dust lane 49 6503 DRA Sb 17 49.4 +70 09 11.5 8x2.6 bright, elongated 50 6543 DRA PN 17 58.6 +66 38 8.3 22"x16" 11th mag central* 51 1232 ERI Sc 03 09.7 -20 34 10.5 8x7 face-on spiral 52 1535 ERI PN 04 14.2 -12 44 10.4 20"x17" bright bluish disk 53 2158 GEM OC 06 07.5 +24 06 8.6 5.0 near M35, compact 54 2392 GEM PN 07 29.2 +20 55 8.6 47"x43" Eskimo, use high power 55 6207 HER Sc 16 43.1 +36 50 12.5 3.3x1.2 no definite nucleus 56 6210 HER PN 16 44.5 +23 49 9.7 20"x13" small, bluish 57 3242 HYA PN 10 24.8 -18 38 8.6 40"x35" Ghost of Jupiter 58 7209 LAC OC 22 05.2 +46 30 6.7 25.0 50* 59 7243 LAC OC 22 15.3 +49 53 6.4 21.0 40* 60 2903 LEO Sb 09 32.2 +21 29 10 13.3x6.0 bright, elongated 61 3384 LEO E7 10 48.3 +12 38 10 5.4x2.8 in field of M105 62 3521 LEO Sc 11 05.8 -00 02 10.1 13.5x7.0 large, bright 63 3607 LEO E1 11 16.9 +18 03 10.2 4.5x4.0 other galxy's nearby 64 3628 LEO Sb 11 20.3 +13 36 11.5 15.5x4.3 edge-on, near M65 - M66 65 3344 LMI Sc 10 43.5 +24 55 11.1 7.5x7.0 diffuse face-on 66 3432 LMI Sc 10 52.5 +36 37 11.7 7.5x2.0 edge-on, faint streak 67 2683 LYN Sb 08 52.7 +33 25 11 9.2x2.6 bright edge-on 68 2244 MON OC 06 32.4 +04 52 4.8 24.0 Rosette, OC + neby 69 2261 MON EN 06 39.2 +08 44 -- 2x1 Hubble's Neb, comet like 70 6369 OPH PN 17 29.3 -23 46 11 30"x29" near NGC 6309 71 6572 OPH PN 18 12.1 +06 51 9 15"x12" small, bright 72 6633 OPH OC 18 27.7 +06 34 4.6 27.0 large, sparse, bright 73 1788 ORI EN 05 06.9 -03 20 -- 8x5 comet shaped 74 1973 ORI EN 05 35.1 -04 44 -- 5x5 near M42 75 2024 ORI EN 05 42.0 -01 50 -- 30x30 put Zeta out of field 76 2022 ORI PN 05 42.1 +09 05 12.8 28"x27" small, annular 77 2194 ORI OC 06 13.8 +12 48 8.5 10.0 rich with faint stars 78 7331 PEG Sb 22 37.1 +34 25 10.4 11.4x4.0 elongated in PA 171 deg 79 869 PER OC 02 19.0 +57 09 4.3 30.0 Double Cluster w/NGC 884 80 884 PER OC 02 22.4 +57 07 4.4 30.0 350*, use low power 81 1023 PER E7p 02 40.5 +39 03 11 9x4 lens shaped 82 1491 PER EN 04 03.3 +51 18 -- 3x3 small, fairly bright 83 2438 PUP PN 07 41.8 -14 44 11 65" on N edge of M46 84 2440 PUP PN 07 41.9 -18 13 11.5 54"x20" almost stellar 85 2539 PUP OC 08 10.7 -12 50 6.5 22.0 rich, near M46 + M47 86 253 SCL Scp 00 47.5 -25 18 7.1 25x7 large 87 6712 SCT GC 18 53.1 -08 42 8.2 7.2 PN IC 1295 in field 88 3115 SEX E6 10 05.2 -07 43 10.1 8.3x3.2 Spindle, lens-shaped 89 6445 SGR PN 17 49.2 -20 01 13 35"x30" annular, near M23 90 6520 SGR OC 18 03.4 -27 54 7.6 6.0 60*, compact, near B86 91 6818 SGR PN 19 44.0 -14 09 10 22"x15" annular, near NGC 6822 92 2841 UMA Sb 09 22.0 +50 59 10.5 7.4x3.5 bright edge-on 93 3079 UMA Sb 10 02.0 +55 41 11.2 8.7x1.6 elongated in PA 165 deg 94 3077 UMA E2p 10 03.3 +68 44 10.7 6.0x4.5 bright core 95 3184 UMA Sc 10 18.3 +41 25 10.4 8.5x7.8 diffuse face-on 96 3675 UMA Sb 11 26.1 +43 35 10.4 6.8x3.5 in field of 56 UMA 97 3877 UMA Sc 11 46.1 +47 30 11.8 5.6x1.2 elongated in PA 35 deg 98 3941 UMA E3 11 52.9 +36 59 11.3 3.6x2.5 small, bright 99 4026 UMA E8 11 59.4 +50 58 11.5 4.5x1.1 lens-shaped 100 4088 UMA Sb 12 05.6 +50 33 11.2 5.9x2.2 near NGC 4085 101 4605 UMA Scp 12 40.0 +61 37 10.8 7.0x2.5 bright edge-on 102 4216 VIR Sb 12 15.9 +13 09 11.2 8.5x1.7 near NGC's 4206 + 4222 103 4388 VIR SBc 12 25.8 +12 40 12.2 6.2x1.7 near M84 + M86 104 4438 VIR Sap 12 27.8 +13 01 12 9.7x3.9 pair with NGC 4435 105 4526 VIR E7 12 34.1 +07 43 10.6 7.0x2.7 betwn 2* of 7th mag 106 4535 VIR SBc 12 34.4 +08 13 11.1 7.8x7.0 near M49 107 4567 VIR Sb 12 36.6 +11 16 12.5 3.0x2.5 Siamese Twins, galxy pair 108 4699 VIR Sa 12 49.1 -08 40 10.5 3.5x2.7 small & bright 109 4762 VIR SO 12 53.0 +11 14 11.1 9.0x2.0 flattest galaxy known 110 5746 VIR Sb 14 45.0 +01 49 12.3 7.4x1.1 edge-on, near* 109 VIR 111 6940 VUL OC 20 34.6 +28 18 6.3 31.0 rich, 60*
If you need help finding these objects, check-out this book:
SAC’s 110 Best of the NGC
This file is a copy of the
original list, with running numbers and links to
the SEDS Messier object pages added (by Hartmut Frommert).
- Other Deep Sky observing lists
Last Modification: 8 Feb 1998, 20:00 MET